Friday, January 24, 2020

Marriage in Pride and Prejudice and in Jane Eyre :: essays research papers

Most of the novels we read involve marriages .Discuss the dialectics involved in the marriage of Pride and Prejudice and another novel of your choice. Marriage in the 19th century has always been an important issue and thus, it is manifested in most of the novels of the 19th century. Pride and Prejudice as well as Jane Eyre are two novels in which the dialectics of marriage are strongly present. In the opening of Pride and Prejudice, the narrator claims that â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife; thus, foretelling that the theme of marriage will be the most dominant throughout the novel .This sentence is true because it is only logical to say so if one believes that the ultimate goal of a man or even a woman is to marry. However, this truth is fixed in the minds of the few families in the novel and thus, it is not a universal truth. From the moment Elizabeth and Darcy meet, Elizabeth is blinded by prejudice and Darcy by pride though they like each other. Only when they admit the wrong they have done, especially Elizabeth, they are to be married. She should accept the right of Darcy to have some sense of pride toward his class and she has to learn to comply to social rules .therefore, it is not about marriage as much it is about learning to comply to rules. Elizabeth and Darcy will meet on common grounds. It is about finding moderation between nature represented by Elizabeth and art represented by Darcy. Only then the marriage would be successful. Furthermore, Charlotte Lucas who has no fortune settles for marriage with Mr. Collins, the arrogant, self important, materialistic and boring man. She thinks that it is better to be married than not, even if she doesn’t like him and he is not likely to make her happy. Elizabeth is so upset about charlotte marrying Collins because she is afraid if being forced into a similar marriage or ending up as having no money, no marriage .Concerning the civil status and economic right of woman , Austen is hitting at the patriarchal society. The nightmare of not marrying is worse than marrying someone like Mr. Collins. On the other hand, Charlotte Bronte, author of Jane Eyre is an anti-Austenian. Her heroine Jane breaks all proper behavior for a girl her age and in her social situation, as an orphan, when she is a child.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Cost Accounting Essay

Problem 1: Different management levels in Bates, Inc., require varying degrees of managerial accounting information. Because of the need to comply with the managers’ requests, four different variances for manufacturing overhead are computed each month. The information for the September overhead expenditures is as follows: Budgeted output units3,200units Budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead$20,000 Budgeted variable manufacturing overhead$5per direct labor hour Budgeted direct manufacturing labor hours2hours per unit Fixed manufacturing costs incurred$26,000 Direct manufacturing labor hours used7,200 Variable manufacturing costs incurred$35,600 Actual units manufactured3,400 Required: a.Compute a 4-variance analysis for the plant controller. b.Compute a 3-variance analysis for the plant manager. c.Compute a 2-variance analysis for the corporate controller. Problem 2: McKenna Company manufactured 1,000 units during April with a total overhead budget of $12,400. However, while manufacturing the 1,000 units the microcomputer that contained the month’s cost information broke down. With the computer out of commission, the accountant has been unable to complete the variance analysis report. The information missing from the report is lettered in the following set of data: Variable overhead: Standard cost per unit: 0.4 labor hour at $4 per hour Actual costs: $2,100 for 376 hours Flexible budget: a Total flexible-budget variance: b Variable overhead spending variance: c Variable overhead efficiency variance: d Fixed overhead: Budgeted costs: e Actual costs: f Flexible-budget variance: $500 favorable Required: Compute the missing elements in the report represented by the lettered items.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Descriptive Essay About Pajamas - 780 Words

Pajamas. A piece of loose fitting cloth that provides comfort and instant joy. Pajamas warm the soul. Whether you do not get out of your pajamas on a rough day, or you finally get to put them on after a long day, pajamas are capable of cheering anyone up. Along with these benefits of wearing pajamas, others include that comfortable clothing sets a student up for a better atmosphere to learn in. Although wearing pajamas a good amount of time can be considered lazy and unprofessional, people should learn to wear them more often as they help create a better all around mood. Pajamas provide relief after an awful day. I experienced the so-called â€Å"healing power† of pajama pants first hand after having one of the worst days of my life- when my†¦show more content†¦Even if pajamas are not allowed to be worn, other comfortable options can also promote learning. As students who are struggling to pay attention in class after pulling an all-nighter studying, wearing comfortable clothing could help the quality of the upcoming day. If the comfort of clothing affects the way people think, everyone should wear comfortable clothing in order to promote success. Tanya Basu, a writer from the website â€Å"Science of Us† states that â€Å"In a 2015 study in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, researchers conducted five experiments on 60 American undergraduates testing whether — and if so, how — what you wore translated to what you score.† In order to help promote comfortable learning, an attempt to convince the administration to allow an experiment. This would involve allowing students to wear their most comfortable pajamas to school on important testing days. By doing this, the results would show that students who are comfortable test better. No harm can come from wearing pajamas to school. If the idea is proposed in a polite and respectful way, students may be able to experience more comfort, become happier, have higher attention spans, and receive higher grades. The result of this experiment was that the clothes people wear help them focus in different ways as â€Å"In a classroom settin g, suits might translate to better performance inShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About Pajamas897 Words   |  4 PagesPajamas. Everybody has their favorite pair. You may think that pajamas are insignificant to happiness; however, pajamas have a weird way of providing comfort and instant joy. In other words, you could even say that pajamas are good for the soul. Whether you do not get out of your pajamas on a rough day, or you finally get to put them on after a long day, pajamas are capable of cheering anyone up. Along with these benefits of pajamas, others include that comfortable clothing sets a student up in aRead MoreBackground Information:. Major Depressive Disorder, Also1633 Words   |  7 Pagessadness, sadness is a normal human emotion, 2 it comes and goes and usually has a trigger. Depression is an abnormal human state, it is an illness that affects emotions, thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors. When a person is depressed, they feel sad about anything and everything an d the state persists. It can persist to the point in which it affects a person s daily life. A person suffering might lose their job, become isolated, hurt relationships, and might contemplate suicide. A list of common symptomsRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesHuman Resource Management. It is truly an exciting time to be studying Human Resource Management. We appreciate that you are taking time to read this preface to get a better understanding of the text and the resources for learning it includes. About the Book Students taking an HRM class are very likely to be taking it as an elective class or a first class toward an HRM major. Both of these groups need a strong foundation book that provides the essential elements of HRM as well as a clear understanding